23 December 2024

Angular 17-18 Signals: A Practical Guide to Transforming State Management

Angular Signals in Version 18 - New Features and Enhancements

Angular 17-18 introduces signals, a modern feature for managing state reactively. This guide offers practical examples and best practices for using signals effectively in standalone scenarios.

Understanding Angular 17-18 Signals

Signals provide a modern approach to state management in Angular, allowing for declarative and reactive state updates. This leads to cleaner and more maintainable code.

Key Benefits of Signals

  • Declarative Updates: Simplify state management with a clear, declarative approach.
  • Immutability: Ensure state changes are handled immutably, preventing unintended side effects.
  • Reactive UI: Automatically synchronize the UI with state changes.

Key Methods for State Management

.set Method

The .set method replaces the entire state with a new value, ideal for initializing or resetting the state.

Example Scenario: Managing User Profiles

Code Example:

import { signal } from '@angular/core';

// Define the User type
interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  email: string;
  isActive: boolean;

// Create a signal for user data
const users = signal<User[]>([]);

// Set the user list
const setUsers = (newUsers: User[]) => {


  • Usage: users.set(newUsers) replaces the entire state with newUsers. This is useful when resetting or initializing the state with a new list of users.

.update Method

The .update method modifies the state based on its previous value, ideal for making incremental changes.

Example Scenario: Adding and Updating Users

Code Example:

import { signal } from '@angular/core';

// Define the User type
interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  email: string;
  isActive: boolean;

// Create a signal for user data
const users = signal<User[]>([]);

// Add a new user
const addUser = (newUser: User) => {
  users.update(existingUsers => [ ...existingUsers, newUser ]);

// Update user status
const updateUserStatus = (userId: number, isActive: boolean) => {
  users.update(existingUsers =>
    existingUsers.map(user =>
      user.id === userId ? { ...user, isActive } : user


  • Add User: addUser appends a new user to the list by updating the state with the new user object.
  • Update Status: updateUserStatus modifies the isActive status of a specific user, leaving other users unchanged.

Practical Applications of Signals

1. User Profile Management

Scenario: Manage user profiles with capabilities to add new users and update user details.

Code Example:

import { signal } from '@angular/core';

// Define the User type
interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  email: string;
  isActive: boolean;

// Create a signal for user profiles
const userProfiles = signal<User[]>([]);

// Add multiple users
const addUsers = (newUsers: User[]) => {
  userProfiles.update(existingProfiles => [ ...existingProfiles, ...newUsers ]);

// Update user information
const updateUserInfo = (userId: number, newInfo: Partial<User>) => {
  userProfiles.update(profiles =>
    profiles.map(profile =>
      profile.id === userId ? { ...profile, ...newInfo } : profile


  • Add Users: Efficiently handle the addition of multiple users.
  • Update User Info: Merge new information with existing user profiles for partial updates.

2. Shopping Cart Management

Scenario: Manage items in a shopping cart, with functionalities to add items and update quantities.

Code Example:

import { signal } from '@angular/core';

// Define the Item type
interface Item {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  quantity: number;

// Create a signal for cart items
const cartItems = signal<Item[]>([]);

// Add an item to the cart
const addItem = (item: Item) => {
  cartItems.update(existingItems => [ ...existingItems, item ]);

// Update item quantity
const updateItemQuantity = (itemId: number, quantity: number) => {
  cartItems.update(itemsList =>
    itemsList.map(item =>
      item.id === itemId ? { ...item, quantity } : item


  • Add Item: Incorporates a new item into the shopping cart.
  • Update Quantity: Adjusts the quantity of an existing item.

3. Feature Toggle Management

Scenario: Manage feature toggles in a dashboard to enable or disable specific features.

Code Example:

import { signal } from '@angular/core';

// Define the Feature type
interface Feature {
  name: string;
  isEnabled: boolean;

// Create a signal for feature toggles
const featureToggles = signal<Feature[]>([]);

// Toggle a feature
const toggleFeature = (featureName: string) => {
  featureToggles.update(featuresList =>
    featuresList.map(feature =>
      feature.name === featureName ? { ...feature, isEnabled: !feature.isEnabled } : feature


  • Toggle Feature: Dynamically enable or disable features based on their current state.

Best Practices for Using Signals

  1. Use .set for Complete Replacements: Use .set when resetting or replacing the entire state.
  2. Use .update for Incremental Changes: Utilize .update for modifying specific aspects of the state without a full replacement.
  3. Maintain Immutability: Ensure state updates are immutable to avoid unintended side effects.
  4. Optimize Performance: Efficiently manage state updates to maintain optimal performance and responsiveness.


Angular 17-18 signals offer an advanced approach to state management. By mastering .set and .update, you can handle complex state scenarios efficiently, ensuring your application remains performant and maintainable.

Feel free to adapt these examples and best practices to enhance state management in your Angular application.

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